Plains Indian Ledger Art Presented by Dr. Thomas Jacobsen

A Spectacular Presentation on Plains Indian Ledger Art!

We're thrilled to share that the Dakota Buttes Museum hosted an enthralling presentation by the esteemed Doc Jake, Dr. Thomas Jacobsen, on the captivating topic of Plains Indian Ledger Art. The event, was a remarkable journey into the world of this unique art form.

Whether you were able to join us in person or caught the live stream from the comfort of your home through the HPS Stream Team's YouTube broadcast, we hope you relished every moment of this exceptional presentation. For those who missed the event, fret not! You can still enjoy the recording and delve into the enlightening PowerPoint slides provided underneath the video below.

Although the live event has concluded, the excitement and knowledge it brought live on. We extend our gratitude to all participants and attendees who made this event a memorable success. Stay tuned for more enriching experiences with the Dakota Buttes Museum!


Joel Janikowski
I like to create things. Many different things. Designs, Music, Photography, Videos and messes around my home.
Joel Janikowski

Black Gold: Presentations by Mike Howe, Duane Wamre, & Isabelle Howe


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